Homemade stamps
Creating homemade stamps is quite easy to do and will save you some money, as store bought stamps can be quite pricey. You will need 3 basic supplies: the support, the design (shape or image) and the glue. Let’s start with the glue. Obviously the glue has to be the right glue for the materials you are using. You might be using plastic, wood, metal or even foam, so be sure the glue is suited for the job. The label will often tell you which surfaces the glue is appropriate for. Also check out the website www.thisTothat.com, enter the materials you are using and you will receive a list of glues you can use. I often chose to use E6000 for my homemade stamps, as it is strong glue with great adhesion to wood, glass, ceramic and more.
wood pieces for homemade stamps from the dollar store
As far as the support for your stamp, you can use anything from wood to metal to plastic. You can find inexpensive bags of small size wood pieces, square or circular in many craft, dollar, or even hardware stores. You can also use wood panels that are used for painting. But you don’t have to use wood you can for example, use a plastic or metal jar lid or even cardboard as the support for your stamp.
For the design of the stamp, you can find wooden letters, numbers, and other shapes at craft or dollar stores. You can also find wooden cutouts of flowers, birds, trees and more, which are great for making homemade stamps. And if you are somewhat more talented than me, you can use a craft knife to carve your shape out of a piece of foam core. These are just a few ideas for the design of the stamp and I'm sure you can come up with a few more!
Next, simply glue the design to the surface and let it completely dry and bond. You can glue just one design on a small stamp or glue multiple letters, numbers or shapes onto one support for an interesting large stamp
Homemade stamps by Nitsa Creative Studio